Sep. 22 (Mon) - 25 (Thu), 2025
Paradise Hotel Busan, Busan
Republic of Korea
On-site Guidelines
1. Duration of Presentation
2. Prepare Your Presentation File(s)
Prepare your presentation file(s) in MS Power Point (MS Office 2013 version or higher).
Bring your PPT file(s) on a USB memory stick to the session room.
There is no preview room to upload your file(s).
If you use fonts other than standard Microsoft Office fonts, please bring the font file itself with your presentation file(s).
Presentation monitor aspect ratio is 16:9.
Presentation should be made in English (no simultaneous interpretation provided).
3. Audio Visual Equipment in the Session Room
At the Presenter’s Podium
One laptop computer connecting to a screen
One smart pointer (clicker)
Projection and Screen
LED wall in Room 1 (Naru Ballroom 1&2)
LCD projector with a screen in Room 2 (Gallery 1&2) & 3 (Galley 3 & 4)
4. On the Day of Your Presentation
Arrive to your assigned room (as listed in the program) at least 15 minutes before the start of the session.
Bring your slides on your USB drive to the session room.
Connect your USB to the laptop at the presenter’s podium and start the presentation.
You will not be able to use your own laptop and must use the conference-provided laptop.
Presenters will not be able to access the internet via the session-room laptop.
Do not ask the Session Chair to reschedule your paper within the session.